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Rent Guarantee Protection

Rent Guarantee Protection :

Rent Guarantee Protection for properties with the rental value of £0 - £501 pcm

  • Total Annual Premium : 431
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What is this type of insurance?

Landlord Protection provides insurance to cover (as detailed in this document, your policy wording and your insurance schedule):


• Claims under the Tenant Eviction section of cover for Advisers’ costs for certain types of legal action(s) in relation to your tenancy:

• Mediation - £330

• Eviction proceedings - £25,000

• Up to 12 Monthly Rent up to the maximum shown on your schedule, for claims under the Rent Protection section of cover for up to 12 months

What is insured?

We'll cover a legal advisers' costs to help you pursue a claim in the following situations:

Mediation: To participate in a mediation with the tenant to resolve breaches in the Tenancy agreement relating to rightful occupation of the property.

Tenant Eviction : To pursue a legal action against a tenant to recover possession of the insured property where the tenant fails to perform his obligations set out in the tenancy agreement relating to the rightful occupation of the insured property.

Rent Guarantee: You are covered for rent owed by a tenant under a tenancy agreement in relation to the insured property up to the maximum amount payable, where the insured event occurs during the period of insurance, and you, where appropriate, are pursuing a claim against the tenant to evict them from the insured property.