Who We Are ? A Little About Help2Rent

We are a Community Interest Company based in London. We design and create unique solutions to simplify the housing allocation process. We believe in working smarter, not harder - enabled by the use of modern technology. How Help2Rent is Made up of 4 seperate companies

    Help2Rent Limited - Company Registration - 11173488
  • FCA Number - 12002691
  • CF1 Director
    Help2Rent Property Management LImited - Company Registration - 13802212
    Help2Support Limited - Company Registration - 12554305
    Help2Finance LImited - Company Registration - 12343198
    Help2Insure Limited - Company Registration - 12002691
    Help2Rent Housing Solutions - Company is a CIC meaning it is a communication intreast company tha tonly services the community

Help2Rent Limited - CF1 Director Under FCA

Help2Rent Limited runs and operates the rent and legal protection policy which has been underwritten by Royal Sun Alliance, we created this policy back in 2017 and launched in 2018, this policy is unique as it has been specially developed for those tenants that are on universal credit. Help2Rent oversea the operation of all of the Help2Rent branded companies.

Help2Rent Property Management

Help2Rent property management sources and located properties to vulnerable tenants, we work alongside all of our council and HA partners, we have a dataset of tenants that are seeking affordable accomadation across the UK and Wales.


Help2Support is a tenant focused orginasation and offers more support related solutions, we offer supported living accomadation through to resettlement packages anywhere in the UK. This is a very tenant focused Company and works directly with councils and Universal credit to assist in resolving any issues that may arise.


Help2Finance is a specailly designed company that works and offers products not only within the current market but we work ethical funding partners to offer solutions to the consumer that is will to support vulnerable clients, we specialise in developing products for the consumers.


Help2Insure is our insurance arm of the company and we support in the creation of any new products that may be required for council and housing association partners.

Help2Rent Housing Solutions

Help2Rent Housing Solution is our CIC (COmmunity INtreast Company) and we instruct donations from all of the Help2 Companies, this money is then inturn returned back to the community in the way os food banks, staffing etc we are seeking to reintroduct yoth centres within the community giveing the younger generation the opportunity to get off the street where they will be vulnerable and in to a safe and secure enviroment, in these location we wish to give these younger children the much needed support and addittional educational skills and work placements etc.

We believe by supporting the younger generation we can all have a safe enviroment and give these disadvantaged children the much need hope and give them something to look forward and brighter future.

For Landlord

More properties always needed - Along with incentieve payment and Tenancy Sustainability and rent and legal protection

In order to assist you further we offer a triage service to help and support landlords, this is to intervine and commence discussion with Universal Credit, the tenant and the councils

Please email us

For Tenants

Tenancy Sustainability

We are here to help and support tenants with any issues that they may be facing with universal credit.

Please email us

Are you an council Officer?

Want to speak to someone about the rent and legal protection for your tenants

We offer rent and legal protection which can be used in conjunction with your current incentieve scheme this further supports you and safe guard the landlord and agents that are supporting you.

Please email us


Tenant Housed In 2021


Tenant Housed In 2021


Tenant Housed In 2021


Tenant Housed In 2021